Every moment of life is precious. To honor and respect those moments, especially at life’s final stages, Meridian Hospice is committed to helping clients live their remaining days in the greatest possible comfort and dignity.
We recognize that death is not an event but a process, and we are dedicated in assisting our clients and their family during this natural process.
Hospice provides one-on-one personalized care delivered by a qualified specially trained team. The Meridian Hospice Team includes a physician medical director, certified nurses trained in hospice and palliative care, licensed clinical social workers, chaplains, hospice aides and trained volunteers.
Meet the nurses from this location:

Marja Jenkins, RN, CHPN
Hospice Nurse Case Manager Meridian at Home Hospice
Hospice Nurse Case Manager Meridian at Home Hospice
Marja Jenkins, RN, CHPN
Marja worked in the ER for many years and was first introduced to hospice while caring for her ailing grandfather. She spends her days helping her home-hospice patients and their families, as they cope with both the emotional burdens and the day-to-day tasks that come with caring for a terminally ill patient.
Choices Family Acceptance Choices Dignity Family Pain

Kim McCloskey, RN, BSN
Hospice Nurse Case Manager Meridian at Home Hospice
Hospice Nurse Case Manager Meridian at Home Hospice
Kim McCloskey, RN, BSN
Kim lost both her mother and brother in the past several years, and brought her nursing training to bear in caring for them the best she could at the end of their lives. Now as a hospice nurse she treats all of her patients and their families as though they were extended parts of her own family. She tries to live by the principle that we need to make every day count.
Acceptance Family Family Dignity

Anne Marie McLaughlin, RN, BSN, BA, CHPN
Nurse Liaison and Educator Meridian at Home Hospice
Nurse Liaison and Educator Meridian at Home Hospice
Anne Marie McLaughlin, RN, BSN, BA, CHPN
Anne Marie has been a nurse for 8 years, and is currently pursuing her graduate degree. In her work, she has often served as a bridge between the hospital setting and hospice, helping patients transition from one to the other. She feels strongly that nurses can change the cultural tide with doctors, patients and their families to embrace palliative care sooner in the disease process, whether it be a cancer diagnosis or something more long term, such as early stage Alzheimer's or COPD.
Choices Family